31.12.19Happy New Year
May all your wishes come through and may the next year bring peace to you and your beloved beings.
Welcome at
»Kennel - The Water Spaniel«
Beautiful Working Gundogs
May all your wishes come through and may the next year bring peace to you and your beloved beings.
Due to her lately FT CoM she got the kennel club stud book number registration.
After a year of strict training towards Field Trial she had a fun day hunting in the wood: Splieny’s first Drückjagd of the season.
UK - Waiting for the birds on the first drive at a foggy morning.
Typical gamekeeper car ^-^
AV Novice walked up FIELD TRIAL at Ole Hemploe Shoot in Elkington Northamptonshire organized by the SIWSC: „Green Socks Good Thing Going“ first Field Trial was successful and she was awarded the CoM (Credit of Merry). Thanks goes out to the organization, the helpers/guns, the fair judges (David Brown, Chris Winfield, Pat Dixon, Sheila Suzuki) and friendly competitors. Congratulation to Kevin Haynes for first and third place and Phil Goulden for second place.
A special thank you has to be said do Daniel Higgs, who convinced me my little girls is ready for serious training and showed me the right direction. And to Graham Home, who trained me and gave so many helpful hints. These trainers really understand dogs and are open minded and supportive. Thank you so much, would have not come so far without you!
I want to add another very hearty thank you to John Irwin, a real IWS friend. He invited us to his shoots and gave our dogs the opportunity, to retrieve at least a few birds, before the FT took place. Since we have no possibility to train for this FT setting over here, that was really helpful and kind of you.
And last but not least i have to thank Annelies Roeterdink: breed and co-owned Splieny, always helping with trainings, driving all these thousands of kilometers, relaxing and pushing to me and a real friend. This CoM is at least half your merrit.
Thank you all
2.Platz mit Capri und Spleen beim LÜNECUP Team
My one and only best dog ever :)
Danke Catharina für das Foto
Walk up on partridge in turnips and cropfield
Sugar beet training, hunting in the wood, walking the dogs in the swamp area - a nice weekend with friends is over. Now relaxing and enyoing the afternoon sun in the garden. Life is good ^.^
Green Socks Good Thing Going - Splieny
My one and only special lady is now old and still a character. Love her to bits and enjoy every single moment with her <3
Green Socks Good Thing Going
Sometimes i think, she was born with coil spring instead of hollow bones ^.^
Back home from a wonderful week in the United Kingdom. It started with three very interesting and sometimes challenging trainings days in Kent with Graham, followed by two working tests at the weekend. First one took place in Ingelby and was organized by the United Retriever Club.
The idea was to support and bring all minor breeds together. All judges and helpers and organisation-team were Labrador-People, but kindly spend their time and work for our rarer breeds. 30 dogs (Chesseypeak Bay Retriever, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Curley Coated Retriever and Irish Water Spaniel) and their handler showed up and we had a lovely friendly open minded working test. My personal cake-topping of the day was, that Splieny (Green Socks Good Thing Going) had a break-through and passed her first wt without a zero, after loosing six of them in a row. Surprisingly and on top: in the end she was awarded first prize and won the class novice/nh. So happy we could celebrate this together with her litterbrother Sting (Green Socks Shine Like A Star) who had a great result in intermediate class and was awarded second prize!
The next day we drove to Chillington to participate in the SIWS Club WT and the break-through seem to continue: Splien got first prize and won the Novice and Sting got first prize and won in Intermediate.
The very kind judges gave Splieny a judges choice „performance of the day“ glas throphy
We are so happy and overwhelmed by all the kind friendly people we met and it was such a pleasure for me watching these wonderful dogs working and do, what they were breed for. Thank you all, who made this UK week so special for me, you all made me feel blessed.
Another waiting foto. This is Sting at the Sporting Irish Water Spaniel Club Working Test
Results of the today Minor Breed Retriever Working Test at Ingelby:
Splien 1. Prize in Novice/NH
Sting 2. Prize in Intermediate
Green Socks Good Thing Going waiting at the Minor Breed Retriever Working Test in Ingleby, UK.
Have a nice weekend all!
Yes? May i help you?
Missy eats healthy
Arriba and Missy are happy with their today present, that Splieny brought back from dog-show. #halfacow
More fotos of dog-show
Happy morning to you all ;) Splieny in her decoration mood
Having fun at the beach, prior ferry crossing to the UK.
Brother and sister in the Bluebells
Two of the very best <3
Walking the gang. Three generations of Irish Water Spaniel from old (right side) to young (left side)
A few pictures of my little Flitzemaus from last weekend working test. We continued our line of failed-contests (5 in a row now), but this time we had fun together and as a bonus i was very pleased with her double-mark. Sounds silly for many of you, but for my „non-marking-spaniel“ it was brilliant.
Very nice weekend down south in the mountains.
Brother and sister spotting the UK border on the other side of the Aermelkanal
Looking forward to have some training in Kent
My wonderful Arriba. Such a characterful dog. Love her!
Green Socks Good Thing Going - Splieny (left side). Peter U Claudia Bruhn
Green Socks Ready For Take Off - Missy (right side) Nele Goetz
Snow‼️ Finally we have a bit winter here. The dogs love it.
Snowballs :D
UK Hunt 2019 - Last day picking up with Splieny